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How to Travel With Your Gun

August 07, 2017 3 min read

Whether you are carrying open or concealed or using your gun on private property or in the public sphere, you are well acquainted with the safe and legal way to carry in your state. However, the parameters change if you are crossing state lines with a firearm, and it's critical to do your homework before you travel with your gun.

Federal Laws

According to federal Firearms Owners' Protection Act, anyone who can legally own a gun can move that gun from one place to another as long as the owner is in compliance with firearm possession laws at both locations. FOPA applies even if you are moving through areas that restrict traveling with a gun. However, exercise caution and make sure that you are following proper guidelines for transportation of firearms. Your gun should be unloaded, locked in a case and stored separately from ammunition and in a location in your vehicle other than the glove box or console. If you follow these procedures, you should be okay if you have interaction with law enforcement unless you are transporting something that could be classified as an assault weapon in the jurisdiction. In that case, increased restrictions can apply, so consult the local laws at your destination. Regardless of the type of gun you transport, bring your documentation with you in case you need to prove legal ownership.

Carrying as a Visitor

While you can be completely compliant with the rules surrounding transportation of firearms, visitors to any area will need to know the laws of their destination state and city when crossing state lines with their gun. If you bring a firearm into Hawaii, for example, you have just three days to register the gun with the local police department while carrying a gun legally in the very restrictive New York City requires a special permit. In some states, your local concealed carry permit is recognized in the destination jurisdiction, but other areas either disallow visitors to carry at all or will require you to go through their process to obtain a separate license. If you don't know what the laws are, you can end up in trouble when you travel with your gun.

Airline Travel

Traveling via commercial airlines introduces another level of complexity to traveling with firearms. Outside the doors of the airport at both your embarking and destination cities, local laws apply. However, once you step into the airport, TSA regulations are in effect. You may not bring any firearm related item with you in your carry-on luggage, including ammunition and gun parts. Firearms can be transported in checked bags providing that they are unloaded, locked in a hard case and properly declared. You must also have a key available on your person if a screener wants to inspect your gun more closely. You may be limited in the amount of ammunition you can transport, and it must be packed separate from the firearm.

With just a little preparation, you can safely travel with your gun. Make sure your gun is packed legally and have a proper holster if you are allowed to carry concealed at your destination. Concealment Express has a wide variety of concealed carry holsters to ensure that you are in compliance with the laws when you are crossing state lines with your firearms.

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How to Travel With Your Gun